(This uses graphic language)
(So boofuckinghoo)

Well, this one (see purchase link at bottom of review) splattered into my ear canals as a random carnal surprise, thrown at me by Youtube. I don’t know what the fuck gave them the idea that I would like a record with a hilarious name riffing on Richard Hell’s famous tune Blank Generation, by a banging sonic gang named Ejaculators. Maybe it’s all the GG Allin I listen to, mixed with The Dwarves. Who knows. Thank fuck for nose-leading homogenising algorithms, is all I can say.

I have this five-song EP on right now for the second time right through, and it’s getting the correct electroschlock therapy reaction out of me. I have no fucking idea whatsoever what the singer is going on about – his snarled angry bitterspit vocals are buried in the mix, and that’s fine. With schlongwaver song titles like Fuck Off, Desperate Housepunks and E.J.AC.U.L.A.T.E. (Nevermind the Pistols), you know exactly what you’re getting. I especially liked the fact that the start of the second song sounded so much like the first song that I thought they were reprising it. Magic! This was released a few days ago, on July 4th, and I can't think of a more patriotic gesture. 

The thing that really strikes you about this band on first (and second)(and now third) hearing is the new wave keyboard gaily stabbing at your eardrums all through the speedfreak running time. The EP is pretty beautifully shoddily recorded, coming off like the grinding buckling sounds made by the Titan submersible as it suddenly realised the limits of its underwater pressure abilities and came apart at the rich-blood-spilling seams, a morbid gory display for the laughing clapping Titanic ghosts as millionaire meat seeded the hungry North Atlantic Ocean, a drowned vanity project Newfoundsea of death and, well, raw punk guitar and too-loud amps and a sound that threatens to hurtle off the rollercoaster rails into pressurised liquid destruction at any moment.

(Or something)

(Singer just shouted something about masturbation there)

(I think)

Look, it’s like this: you have a Chicago band using the word ‘Wank’ in their title, the singer is putting on a wee slight rogue English brogue, and taking a sideswipe at the Sex Pistols, so I would assume there is a seditious retro Anglophile stream flowing through the lyrical screams. Who knows. Or cares. This is not a band for caring about what is being said. Except for by somebody like me, a totally obsessive wordslut. They sound like they have a sense of humour, and that’s enough for me.

And that’s the thing, isn’t it? Everybody is so fucking po-faced these days, so pretend militant, so fake revolutionary, so baseline capitalist party rebel, that it’s just a joke - and not a funny one. I miss when bands had a sense of humour, so even the title of this release, mixed with the song titles and the superb scumslut cover image of some pisshead with a buxom much-used wench plying her rowdy genetic wares on him, is welcome. Their brief brutal bruised Blandcamp band bio states that “one could imagine a mix of the Spits, Mummies, and Chaotic Dischord, but recorded after lots of drugs and alcohol, and excessive masturbating to the Virgin Mary.” Which seems fair enough to me (though I would add The Scaners, too): good Jesus boys gone bad and ugly, as usual. They always make the best musical muck to fuck around to.

I have no fucking idea whatsoever who this band are. I just heard this EP and immediately started bouncing to it and wanted to review it. So here it is. Get into them and get yer inevitable 7”s or cassette tapes autographed before they overdose or end up in prison or in weird illegal Mexican porn films. They'll be worth a lot more that way, and you know that’s the truth. A quick word to the band: “Yo homes, ejaculator,” as the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air might have put it in earlier, happier, more innocent, pre-Rock-slapping days. Keep on spunkpunking away, boys...your country needs you!

