(This is an experimental piece, five-minuter straight through, unedited. I do that sometimes for fun)
N mibbe we jist sit there afore we arrive in some strange prelife state waiting tae be born, blacks n blues n deid aw oor, hinking aboot the afterlife, worrying n wondering aboot whit it'll be like tae reconstitute oor atoms n transform intae a human-swarm, suhhin else, nae auld ties, nae precedents, nae provable mythologies, awa fae jist-aw black, nae concepts ay lights colours sounds actions, threedee, politics, trials, tribulations, touchable reveries, previous beliefs blown apairt n thrown tae the previously-sheltering wind on irreverent wings ay pure blind fury n excess, fears assuaged, existence tracts starting tae seep in through the bloodpulser umbilical cord, the world rid glowing ahint the closed newborn eyelids, veins, brains, Gordian flesh-knots tied, lifeburns, soaking cunt bobsled ridings n sanguinary glidings, aw-hings-surprising, wetsplat world arrival, blood n amniotic madness ivirywhaur, sudden hearing ay first provocative incomprehensible sounds, tangled voice jumble, reverent machines worship is they electro-pulse bow afore ye n aw human history, sudden cauld lifewind influx, cradling hands, bloodwipes, umbilical clipncut, first ay many tiny wee ohyabastirtye lusty gusty maw-trusty cries, here we go here we go here we go n whaur the fuck um ah noo, whit happened tae the black ah wis jist back in, whit happened tae the nae-dimensions, whit happened tae the suddenly-revoked torn placental utopia, whit happened tae the insubstantiality, whit happened tae the nuhhin naewhaur naetime, still-shut een, light too bright, aw incredible existence immigrant rights n privileges flowing intae ye, n chants n cheers n whistles celebrating fuck aw bit a few thoosint unknown tomorrows firivir is the hesitant eyelids slowy gummily open n aw the world's express train experiences come it ye so get moving nae time tae waste eftir aw or nothing...
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