Fake green Celtic American tornadoes
Circle the neighborhood
Fighting Irish
Shite at being Irish
Just looking for a storming swarm
Of beer and pussy and devolution
Back to the land of their fathers
And the faith of their traditions
The thoughtful treasons and seditions
That drove some of their ancestors
To these non-Emerald-Isle shores
Fighting the English
Fuck the English

Displaying a
Vague vogue
Notion of a nation
Far away and over the hills over the rainbow
Pot of gold at the end of the mythical world
Old Country Gold Country Emerald Country

County This and Cunty That Wherever
Grand craic bland Plastic Paddy attack
"Are you Irish oh I love your accent!
Oh Scottish even better my ancestors are Scotch!
Well you know Scottish Irish what's the difference
We're all Celts together right? Whadya mean wrong?
We all sing the same grand Celtic diaspora opera song
I'm Irish Scottish whatever though through and through
Well you know my great grandfather on my dad's side was
Or something like that I'm not too sure
The chicks love your accent you can be my wingman
Gonna get me sounding off sounding like that
One day for a hot lay or two or three hundred
Never underestimate the pulling power
Of exotic syllables and stereotype labels Old Country fables
So wear some green let's get mean if you know what I mean
I know all about Irish shit man kilts bagpipes potatoes
Let’s go have ourselves a time with all those hot cool drunk chicks"

Take some heavy-hearted forever-trapped steps
Into the teethgrinding image appropriation
And today never looked as good

And tomorrow never will again.

